The Human Assistant doesn't want to help me with it anymore. If you're reading this and want me to keep blogging, please leave a comment. (And thanks to those who have!)
If you're not reading this and want me to keep blogging, please leave a comment!
I bring this up again because last night's blog was a disaster. Of course it took a long time for H.A. to make his pictures pretty. (Or as pretty as they were going to get, anyway!)
But he didn't mind that because they were pictures of me, after all. Oh, and one of Gremlin.
Well, yes, and a couple of girls at MaxFund. He puts some of those photos on the forum where volunteers hang out. So my point is that he would have spent the time on the pictures anyway.
Then he thought we'd just slap 'em on the blog, write a little, and done! It took about four times longer than he thought. I don't know what took all that time because I dozed off. But I know it made him late getting up and getting our breakfast!

This picture made me think of Zim from the Army of Four staring at cats.
Only this one is from the kitty's point of view!
And even through a window with noseprints you can see that that dog isn't as handsome as Zim!
That kitten is cute!
But H.A. says that puppies, kittens, and human babies are cute so they can suck you in.
Then they grow up!
Maybe sheep babies suck you in too.
This little lambie seems to be jumping on cue. Is this something puppies can do?
Not when a human wants a video of it, of course. But maybe when somedoggy else in the pack says, "Dog, that's really annoying!" With a cue like that?
I don't remember. Being a puppy was a long time ago for me. And I kinda like doing what the H.A. says so I can get treats! But I was just wondering.
-- "moar funny pictures" frm icanhascheezburger
-- video from YouTube via itchmo
Mom's wondering if lambs can be house-trained? That little lambie looks like she'd be fun to have around! Of course, Mom and Dad are suckers for puppy cuteness! That's how I snagged 'em!
We're still casting votes early and often for Tucker to keep his blog. We would sure miss it if he had to stop it.
Tucker - I'm from Chicago, so I'm voting often :-)
I would definitely miss you if you stopped blogging (and HA too!)
did you know that according to the army of four slightly fattened russian female dogs are healthier than skinny american dogs????
I, too, am voting early and often Tucker (and HA). You guys, and Gremlin, and all the adoptees, make me laugh. And all that good information you have on your blog, too. Very enlightening...
Definitely keep your HA blogging, Tucker! I just now found your site and I'm enjoying it already. Let your HA know that you may want to check out as an alternative to Blogger - it's a little different format, but very easy to post pics (and they do the resizing for you!)
mmmmm...kitty cat!
Kisses, Sky boy
Oh my dog! That video of the baby lamb is awesome!!
i am backk for a second time tucker doddle, your humor is unmistakable, keep on blogin
es capos del prego ambries
heir tucker, hie and heil
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