Tucker: Gremlin isn't really going to get much better. But all the medical stuff confuses me. So the Human Assistant will explain.

Gremlin Sweetie Pie! mr_ed: Gremlin's back is bad, with damaged disks and fused vertebrae and bone spurs that may be poking into the spinal cord or nerves.
This seems a likely explanation for the loss of function in her back legs. Her hips are fine.
She's getting some pain medicine now, but our veterinarian doesn't want to risk cortisone because she has bad urinary tract and bladder infections, and cortisone would interfere with healing that.
The infections will already be hard to get rid of due to her loss of mobility and any nerve damage that might affect bladder and bowel function.
When I don't notice that she's peed on herself and is lying there wet, the infections will get worse.
Also, her kidneys are going, and her liver isn't in real good shape. And she's somewhat anemic, which the doctor thinks is due to one of the other problems - kidney decline, maybe?
Tucker: So Gremlin is just having Old Dog Stuff. (She's almost 14.) But she's walking again. A little anyway. When there's smelly food in the kitchen, she can get up on her own and walk through two rooms to get her share.
H.A. helps her get up about half the time. Then sometimes she'll walk to the kitchen to get a drink, hop down 3 steps to go outside and pee, and sometimes she'll come back inside without help, too. Other times she lies down outside and waits for H.A. to help her up again.
It's been colder than I like out on that ground! But if H.A. forgets Gremlin, she'll just stay out there and doesn't bark like she does when she's inside and wants something. He has to count noses to make sure we all get back inside. Boy does Lucy get annoyed when he accidentally shuts her out!
Anyway. That's what's up with Gremlin.

The Land of Oz! H.A. and the Ao4's human dad will bring Sinjin from Kansas on Monday.
They were all set to do it tomorrow. Which is Sunday.
But H.A. rented a van so he'd have room for two big crates.
He decided maybe Sinjin and I could get to know each other on the trip.
But tomorrow will be windy in Kansas. And the van is big and tall. Full-sized. And H.A. doesn't want us to get swept away to the Land of Oz!
So Monday it is! Unless H.A. chickens out again! He may have a looonnng trip with a couple of Grumpy Old Sibes! Heh!
::koff koff:: Especially because my old new monia is acting up. But I'm trying to a good boy and not too grumpy!
I don't get treats when I'm grumpy! ::Big Husky Grin::!
-- map of Oz from Wikipedia
Sending doggy hugs and kisses to {{{{{{Gremlin}}}}}}!!!!! Poor sweet thing!!!
Hugs to you too Tucker, don't get sick!!!
Harley, the humans and the cats
SIbe vibes for Gremlin. Happy and safe travels tomorrow!
WOo woo, KA
Vibes from here to Gremlin, too!
I don't know why we can't ALL come to meet you and your HA! Hrumph! Dad has specific orders to pet you a lot so he can bring your scent and some Tucker fur home to us!
Stay healthy!
Looking furry much to seeing the updates on your travels -
Now to khome up with a khatchy name fur woo two!!
Mal-A-Moms is so NOT khorrekht -
Thelma & Louise is out too -
Fur now, the Dad Dog Detail -
Poor Gremlin! I am sure sending good vibes and many prayers your way!
You and the Ao4's dad are pawsome!! Thank you for helping poor old Sinjin!!
Gremlin, you are such a beautiful girl - I love seeing pictures of your winsome face. I hope you get to feeling better soon. It's tough being an older girl, I sure can relate.
Mr. Ed and Mr. Tucker, have a safe journey.
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