All three doggies are safe. Two found homes already and don't need to come to Denver. The third one still does but is in a home he knows for a few days.
I don't actually like being in the middle of this rescue stuff. One day you hear the sky is purple. The next day you hear it's orange. By the time you've had supper and a few treats, it's green!

Rex in Kansas City This is Rex the retired Army dog.
AKC-registered Siberian Husky.
Scheduled with three other dogs to be euthanized by the Army.
Discharged and given to an Army handler on the Spot (so to speak) with no paperwork or other formalities.
The woman who apparently told the internet that Rex needed rescue is a friend of the handler.
The handler will only release Rex to her.
But not yet. She's not ready, or Rex isn't ready, or something.
In the meantime, Rex is safe if unsure of What The Heck is going on. And I'm only passing along what the Human Assistant was told. So don't bite the messenger!
Bailey is the female whose people went to senior housing. The woman who put Bailey's information on the internet turns out not to be the person who has her.
Had her. The woman who had Bailey found her a home but didn't send word down the line.
The 13-year-old is now in Salina with his human dad's parents for a few days. It looks like there won't be any rides from people coming to the dog show. So the Human Assistant and the Ao4's people will get him here.
And that's what I know about that.
-- photo supplied by Marianne Harris
We look forward to hearing some good news on the 13 year old!
Woo woo, KA
Waiting to hear that Sinjin's arrived at your place! Hope the others do as well in their new homes!
I'm so glad they are all safe. And I'm glad you are keeping Sinjin! Reminds me of my Shula, who I adopted at 13 also. Gave her the best 2 1/2 year of her life, I guarantee it!
God Bless You!!
I'm glad to hear that things are working out for so many doggies! Hopefully things will work out for Rex soon too!
Too bad about the rides not working out but you will like meeting the AO4s assistants! I know my Mom would like to help but she said no more big trips fur a bit....
Please keep us posted.
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