The pillows don't even have covers on them.
In some houses this would be asking for trouble!
But even I could get on them and not get in trouble.
Even if I shedded a ton of my furry self.
The Human Assistant figures dogs can't get in trouble for things that are his fault.
Usually he thinks that, anyway. Though it may not be the first thing he thinks!
But when Shu Shu pooped in the house ... I got in trouble for that!
The H.A. hasn't figured out what to do about me blocking the way out of the house. So I didn't get in big trouble today. But he gave me that look that says he'll think of something one of these days.
Shu Shu is in heat. Not that I care, but she is. (Okay, her pee smells very interesting. But that's as much as I care.)
So H.A. can't let her run loose when he leaves the house. That would be asking for trouble because we have four-foot fences. It wouldn't take der Jägermeister to jump them and come into the yard.
(H.A. doesn't have many pictures of Jaeger on his dogster page. There are more in Mystique's dogster photo book.)
Anyway. Minky, the Human Assistant says he's asked MaxFund if they'll take on Shu Shu. But he hasn't heard back yet. We hope they will because it should get her a new home faster.

(See her tail in the first picture? The Human Assistant is no reincarnation of William Henry Jackson, never mind an Ansel Adams Jr.! Not even good enough to be a member of the Weegee Fan Club.)
This is another of his "famous" Slo-Time nonvideos. But a short one.
He took these pictures in March. Mystique didn't live with us yet. So she wasn't a huge nuisance yet.
Her person worked two jobs and had no way to get home at lunch.
Mystique was three months old in these photos, but the guy adopted her when she was only two months.
What was he thinking??? A puppy left alone for all those hours???
He couldn't let her chew the house up and also do all her pottying in the house! So she was in a crate.
So H.A. took us doggies who lived with him to visit Mystique one at a time. He would just turn us loose in the back yard and watch.
So he could have stopped this very annoying behavior. But he took pictures of it instead! Sheesh!
In that next-to-last photo Mystique's ears are down and back. Most of the time they point straight up. But she was acting scared. Oooh! The Big Bad Siberian is gonna get me!
(She did this with Jaeger, too.)
So what was she doing exactly 5 seconds later? I had the H.A. check the time in the picture info. Five seconds later it was, Play with me Uncle Tucker! Chase me! Wheee!
Hmmph. She was asking for it, all right. But people thought she was cute, so I didn't play rough Sibe games with her. Pull her around by her tail, roll her, stuff like that.
We got email from Mystique's new people today. They like her. They even had somedoggy else's people take her for a few days, and those people didn't want to give her back.
So there's no risk of her coming her back here, thank dog! Maybe she and Shu Shu would play together. Which sounds okay, but it would be one more dog who might want my apples.
And that would be asking for trouble!
Shu Shu looks very sweet! And mighty comfy on those pillows!!
Love the snow pics. I am really ready for our first snow!
Oh those snow pics make me happy. I wish that I could get snow here in georgia. Do you think you could mail me some?
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