So you get Apple QuickTime videos, for example.
The Human Assistant says he's developed a procedure called Slo-Time nonvideo.
All you need is a regular digital camera.
You wait for the pose you want. Wait while the digital camera gets around to snapping the picture. Wait for the flash to recharge.
Wait for the pose you want. Wait while the digital camera gets around to snapping the picture. Wait for the flash to recharge.....
And if you're taking a Slo-Time nonvideo of an apple, then it's an Apple Slo-Time nonvideo. ::snort::
I try not to give attention to his ideas. You may remember the "What athlete are you?" game.
But in this case, I'm the star of the very first Apple Slo-Time nonvideo, so I'll mention it.
This is raw, unedited nonvideo. Dog knows how long I'd have to wait for the Human Assistant to make each frame "just right"!
In the first frame I'm getting the apple ready to eat. This is called "food prep" in the restaurant biz.
I applied for a chef job once. First they said I was too short to reach the counters. I showed them! And I had a nice steak and potatoes while I was at it!
Then they said they didn't have a big-enough hair net. Well, that was a stumper. I didn't get the job.
Anyway, in the second frame the apple is getting away from me. I didn't have the right kind of work surface, one for no thumbs.
So in the third frame I've scooched up to grab the prepped-and-slippery thing.
It gets away from me again!
The floor must be tilted. I stand up and grab it and turn a different direction.
I settle in and make sure Gremlin knows not to bother me. And then I gobble up the apple.
Hey, I just had an idea! If anydoggy has a picture or a video of them with an apple, let me know! You can put a link in a comment. Or I can get H.A. to post a link to it here.
If there are three or more, we can say it's the Apple Tag Game!
It doesn't have to show a whole apple. Just a piece is fine. All are welcome, not just dogs! Gerbils and hamsters and little fuzzies like that eat apples sometimes, don't they? And birds?
How about adventurous Tia? Do carnivorous kitties ever play with apple chunks?
Let me know!
1 comment:
Tucker, what is your favorite apple variety?
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