Here are the donations and premiums again:
- $10 to $23.99 - Teenie Beanie
- $24 to $47.99 - Beanie Baby
- $48 and up - Classic Beanie
- highest two, $100 or more - jumbo stuffed animal
If we owe you a premium, please email us your address (ed@maxfundvolunteers.org). Also remind us if you are on SIBERNET. The Human Assistant will have the stuffies that you can choose from sorted out soon. He apologizes for not being up to taking care of it sooner!
I gotta get him tucked in now or he won't get to feeling any better.
You look very comfy in your t-shirt!
I will have my human assistant e-mail you our info!
Thanks Tucker!!
Woo Tucker.. you do look comfy! I am playing catch up. I just had my human email your human :)
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