A blue-eyed, red-furred view of the world!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

MaxFund swag, 2

Здесь Синджин.  I mean, is Sinjin here!    The rest of us doggies get to do a couple of posts because Tucker (Таккер) went on a long ride with the Big Guy yesterday.

He came back looking and smelling funny. Maybe he finally went to see Diane the Doggroomer! A friend came over today and said, "Oh, Tucker, aren't you byooteefull!"  ​Heehee!

Awhile back, the Big Guy used a photo of Lucy counter surfing as his avatar on the online forum for MaxFund volunteers.

It looked like Lucy might have been washing dishes, so one silly volunteer asked whether Lucy does windows. Well. Remember when Lucy licked the piano?

Much later the B.G. got a couple of pictures of her licking door jam. It wasn't on the door, though. It was on the wall. So he posted one of those pictures and said that Lucky did walls.

Back to current events. After B.G. posted the first water bottle pictures to the MaxFund forum, the silly volunteer asked whether Tucker and I do windows.

And this was his reply:
Sinjin - Do you do windows?
Tucker - Windows I don't.  ​Doors.
Sinjin - You do doors well!  ​Nodoggy can get through you!
Tucker blocking Lucy in garage Tucker blocking doorway in garage
Tucker - Is hard work.  ​Must rest often.  ​Drink often.
Sinjin - From your MaxFund water bottle?
Tucker - Yes.  ​MaxFund.
Sinjin - I do windows!
Tucker - Doing how?
Sinjin with mouth open at window Sinjin with tongue out at window
Sinjin - Breathe on, lick.  ​Wipe with nose.
Sinjin in window, head to his right Sinjin in window, head to his left Sinjin in window, head to his right again Sinjin in window, head to his left again
Tucker - Thirsty work.
Sinjin - I must drink often from my MaxFund bottles!
Tucker - Yes.  ​MaxFund.
Sinjin - I'll trade you these two soft, chewy bottles for that hard one!
Tucker - Hmmm.
Sinjin with two water bottles Tucker looking at new water bottle
Sinjin - They're older.  ​No telling what stinky stuff is inside!
Tucker - Yes.  ​Stinky.

Tucker smiling at camera
Tucker - I will keep shiny new bottle!
Come to think of it, Таккер the saber-claw has shorter tootsienails now, too!



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So there Big Red Fella -

Have woo decided this SlimJim fella isn't so bad to have around?

I knew woo would like him - EVENTUALLY!


Kapp pack said...

You do some really good work!

WOo woo, KA