You need to have a computer program that edits images. If you want to see what your first album release looks like with the titles on it! But the game's still fun otherwise.
You go here to get your band name. It stirs up the great big cookie jar of Wikipedia articles and pulls one out. The name of the article is the name of your band!
Then you head here for the name of your album. It throws a bunch of random quotations on your screen. You go to the last quote and take the last four words of it. That's the title!
Your art is here. Use the third picture. Then if you have an image editor, put your band name and the album title on the picture and show it to others!
The Army of Four got the idea from Moxie and Izzy. They got the idea from Butchy and Snickers. They got the meme (dweeb word meaning blog game) from Mimi.
She thrilled "Bud Weiser" when she got it from him and spread it all over. Here's the pedigree for you art historians:
Wow! Some really neat packages! ::scowl:: I hope nodoggy cheats!

EDNE's debut album! Mine?
Yyyeahhh ... here's mine.
Okay, ours.
Band name's at the top.
If you thought it might be four words too.
Which it might be.
What a name, huh?
I didn't like it.
But the Human Assistant found out that Erskineville, which is related, is called Erko for short.
Which is maybe not as bad.
Erko, arvo (afternoon), doco (documentary). I wonder if Australians invented the name for parvo? Or maybe it was the French.
Anyway. We didn't cheat! Here's our sources: band name, album title, cover art.
Fun, huh‽ I'm going to get the H.A. to do some more! ☺ Tell me if you did one too!
-- my thanks to "Bud Weiser," Mimi, Butchy and Snickers, Moxie and Izzy, and The Army of Four for the material to show how fun this is! If you're one of them and you don't want your work linked to or shown smaller this way, it's the Human Assistant's fault! Leave a comment or send email and I'll bark and growl and make lots of annoying noises so that he can't concentrate on anything until he fixes it!
I posted mine and Roo Roo's on my blog:
Wow, we think we'd buy your album!
Woo woo, KA
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